Under the Bridge
Members of the church go into the Omaha area monthly, ministering to the homeless people.
We give out gospel tracts, hot meals, dental kits, socks, toiletries, and other personal items.
Our humanitarian ministry at this time is supporting the Ukrainian efforts through sending care packages to them with items they so desperately need .
Gospel Tracts
We started partnering with Fellowship Tract League in Lebanon, Ohio in April 2018. F.T.L. prints tracts and G.C.B.C., along with other mail centers, distributes, packages, and mails the tracts worldwide.
G.C.B.C. receives Tract orders bimonthly, then we fill these orders and mail them across the United States and Puerto Rico in English and Spanish. With the help of our team ( Kyle, Sophia, Tate and Christine) we send out 5,000 tracts bimonthly. Since starting in 2018 we have sent out 1,700 orders totalling nearly 750,000 tracts.
Home & Hospital Visitations
As Christians we have a calling to show compassion and care to the sick and troubled therefore the pastor and his wife are willing to visit people in their homes or the hospital. This includes outreach, encouragement, support, counseling, and other care for members and friends of the congregation.
Ladies prayer meeting last Saturday of each month for monthly upcoming events at 7:00 am.